Metal Safnið smá mont :P

Rhapsody (of Fire) - Legendary Tales
Rhapsody (of Fire) -Symphony of Enchanted Lands/ Emerald Sword EP
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Dawn of Victory / Holy thunderforce EP
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Rain of Thounsand Flames
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Power of The Dragonflame
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Symphony of Enchanted Lands II
Rhapsody (of Fire) - The Dark Secret EP
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Live in Canada - The Dark secret
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Magic of The Wizards Dream EP
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Tales from The Emerald Sword Saga
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Vision of The Enchanted Lands (live)
Turisas - Battle Metal
Turisas - The Varangian Way
Dragonforce - Valley of The Damned
Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm
Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage
Children of Bodom - Follow The Reaper
Children of Bodom - Hatecrew Deathroll
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Children of Bodom - Are you Dead Yet?
Children of Bodom - Blooddrunk
Nomans Land - Hammerfrost
Nomans Land - The Last Son of The Fjord
Nomans Land - Raven Flight
Svartsot - Ravnenes Saga
Equilibrium - Sagas
Wintersun - Wintersun
Eluveitie - Slania
Manowar - Live útí Rassgati
Sonata Arctica - For the Sake of Revenge (live)
Sonata Arctica - Ecliptica
Ensiferum - Iron
Kamelot - Ghost Opera
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
Iron Maiden - Visions of The Beast
Hammerfall - One Crimson Night
So does your face!