Autopsy - Severed Survival Classíksur death metall eins og hann gerist bestur.
Hljómsveitin Autopsy var stofnuð í USA árið 1987.
Platan Severed Survival var gefin ú árið 1989.

1. Charred Remains
2. Service for a Vacant Coffin
3. Disembowel
4. Gasping for Air
5. Ridden With Disease
6. Pagan Saviour
7. Impending Dread
8. Severed Survival
9. Critical Madness
10. Embalmed
11. Stillborn

Hér eru nokkur sýnis horn úr textunum þeirra.

Charred Remains
Burning from the inside out
Bloody foam spews from your mouth
Smell the putrid stench of flesh
As it burns you to your death

Gasping for Air
Eyes popping out, as the face turns blue
Crushed windpipe, swallowing in blood
Hopeless thoughts, loss of breath
Loss of life, strangled to death

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