tekið frá wikipedia,sem er ansi sannfærandi info síða að mínu mati,endilega lesið þetta ef þið viljið fá bestu skýringuna (að mínu mati) á þeirra genre:

Cradle of Filth’s “true” black metal status has been in debate since near the time they became popular. Dani,
in a 1998 interview for BBC Radio 5 for example, weighs in with “I use the term heavy metal, rather than black metal,
because I think that's a bit of a fad now. Call it what you like: death metal, black metal, any kind of metal…”,
while Gavin Baddeley's 2006 Terrorizer interview states that “few folk, the band included,
call Cradle black metal these days.”

Their format differs somewhat from most Norwegian black metal, and they have thus, at one time or another,
been labeled symphonic black metal; extreme gothic metal; melodic black metal; satanic metal; vampyric metal;
speed metal; death metal; brutal death metal; melodic death metal and horror metal, some of which are regarded by critics
and fans alike as entirely apocryphal categories. They are often dismissed for a perceived lack of credibility,
along with bands such as Dimmu Borgir whose pseudo-mainstream success followed in Cradle’s wake, and it is arguably
the band's mischievous, self-aware humour that divides opinions and causes much of the controversy;
black metal is not known for its jokes.

However, the band's evolving sound has allowed them to continue resisting definitive categorisation.
They are audibly influenced by Iron Maiden, have collaborated on projects like Christian Death's Born Again Anti-Christian
album (on the track “Peek-A-Boo”), and have even dabbled outside of metal music with their controversial dance remixes
(“Twisting Further Nails”, “Pervert's Church” etc), although these have fallen by the wayside in recent years.
In a 2006 interview with Terrorizer magazine, current guitarist Paul Allender said “We were never a black metal band.
The only thing that catered to that was the make-up. Even when The Principle of Evil Made Flesh came out —
you look at Emperor and Burzum and all that stuff — we didn't sound anything like that.
The way that I see it is that we were, and still are now, an extreme metal band.”

Appearing on the BBC music quiz Never Mind the Buzzcocks on April 9th 2001, Dani wryly claimed
Cradle's sound as “heavy funk”, but his stated position on the band’s genre has generally been that “Cradle of Filth is Cradle of Filth.”

fokk já,þetta svaraði mínum pælingum alveg:)
Paul getur ekki verið að bulla þar sem hann er búinn að spila með þeim nær allan tímann (frá 1993 að ég held)

ég kalla þá death metal 91-93 og black metal 94-97 en þá fer eitthvað að klikka hjá þeim,sell-outs vitleysan að gera sig á fullu og effectarnir eru með mikla galla eins og t.d á cruelty and the beast,þótt þeman og sagan um Countess Bathory sé heavy=)

eníhú hvað finnst ykkur um þetta sérstaka band?
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip