Scenario leikir eru oft með mörgum liðum og nokkrum tugum leikmanna í hverju liði. Hver leikmaður fær upplýsingablað um markmið liðsins og jafnvel einstaklingsmarkmið fyrir hann.

Lið sem nær öllum markmiðum sínum hefur unnið leikinn, en ef það næst ekki gilda stig sem liðin fá fyrir þau markmið sem liðið og einstaklingar innan þess ná.

Hér að neðan er lýsing á Scenario leik byggðum á South Park sem haldinn verður innan skamms í Englandi.
The scenario is based on South Park the Movie - Bigger, Longer… (and the basis of the paintball game is based on ideas from EMR's Holy Grail game - thanks Blue!)

The two main teams are the Americans vs Canadians. The Americans are trying to blow up Terrance & Philip; the Canadians are trying to rescue Terrance & Philip. The Americans and Canadians also have flags to defend at their headquarters.

The Mothers Against Canada are outraged and playing with the American team against T&P. The MAC are based at the Town Hall and also have a flag to defend.

La Resistance are trying to free T&P and therefore playing with the Canadians. La Resistance are based at Carl's Warehouse and have their own flag to defend.

Saddam and Satan are trying to take over the World and so are playing against everyone - however, Satan's services can be bought for short period of time in exchange for a Mr Hat (you'll understand if you've seen the film).

Thre are various other objectives, items and characters and things going on in the game! Each player will get a list of rules and objectives, either at the start of the day or hopefully in the post in advance.

Each team and sub team will have different T-shirts but this year, the MAC and Americans will wear the same armbands (Blue) and La Resistance and the Canadians will wear the same armbands (Red) to avoid any confusion. We will also introduce all characters at the start of the day.

Guðmann Bragi