Russell Crowe finnst ekki pirrandi að fá Óskarstilnefningu Ofuregóið Russell Crowe getur ekki sagt að það sé angrandi að fá Óskarstilnefningu.

Russell er tilnefndur fyrir besta leik í aðalhlutverki fyrir leik sinn í A Beautiful Mind.

Hann er líka ánægður með að Ron Howard fái tilnefningu fyrir bestu leikstjórnina.

“To be honest it doesn't mean as much to me this time around,”

Crowe viðurkennir það einnig að hann er ekki mjög vinsæll í Hollywood um þessa mundir.

“I'm not much loved in Los Angeles at the moment. It seems I'm always swimming against the tide, especially as I've chosen to live in Australia,”

“But a lot of what the papers say is just hype and it comes with the job. I try not to let the press irritate me, I mean, why should I care what they say - they can all go to hell.”

“I make quality films and always have the audience's interest in mind when I choose one.”

“I come from a working class family and want the public to get their money's worth for their cinema ticket.”