Mig minnir að þetta sé mitt fyrsta innlegg inn á þetta áhugamál og það fyrsta inn á huga síðan held ég einhverntíman fyrir 3 eða fjórum árum.

Allavega þetta var það eina sem mér datt í hug að senda inn á áhugamálið kvikmyndir.
Þið verðið að afsaka ef einhverjar setningar eru á íslensku en stundum eru myndir bara betri þannig.

1. Heihei passaðu prikið væni.
-Hvað eruð þið?
Jaaa, við erum afleiðing of náinna ættartengsla.

2. Snake? Do you want see how snake like I can be!

3. You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts
post, is that correct?
- Yes.
But you were unsuccessful?

4. Fucking, what the fucking fuck… Who the fuck! Fuck
this fucking… How did you two fucking fucks?! FUUUCK!

5. You ready to be fucked, man? I see you rolled your way
into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna
fuck you up.
-Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion,

6. Ughh,Charlie. My blood is up, you know. My mother is
always telling me I need to work on my anger. Use my
energy to do something positive. Makes me wanna slap
her silly.
-Jesus Sidney, you don´t hit your mother do you?
Christ no Charlie, I´m talking about desires and stuff,

7. I like this calm little moments before the storm. It
remindes me of Beethoven. Can you heare it? It´s
like…when you put your head to the grass. You can
hear the crowling, you can hear the insects-s-s-s-s-se.

8. It aint no world but this one.
-I have seen another world. Somtimes I think it was
just my imagination.

9. (Kastar risastórum hníf í einhvern kall) Stick around.

10. You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil
your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at
you, so-called Arthur King, you and all your silly
English k-nnnnniggets.

Einnig bara svona til þess að láta það flakka með, þá er þetta úr nokkrum af mínum uppáhalds myndum.

Ein auka fyrir þá sem eru bestir úr uppáhalds kvikmyndinni minni ;)

11. Good morning, Worm, Your Honor! The crown will testify
that the prisoner who stands before you, was caught
red-handed showing feelings. Showing feelings of an
almost human nature. This will not do.
“You can go with the flow”