Þegar ég skoðaði ‘The Dark Knight’ síðuna á imdb kom ég auga undarlegt trivia:
The Joker's character is based on his first two appearances in the comic books, as well as his portrayal in the graphic novel “The Killing Joke.” To prepare for the role, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month researching the character and developing his performance, which he claims is based upon Sid Vicious and the character of Alex in A Clockwork Orange (1971). Ledger found the role extremely difficult, and suffered insomnia as a result.
Hann fannst hjá svefntöflum og grunað var að overdose hefði valdið þessu. En nú eru margir sem vinna við rannsóknina á þessu að segja að ekkert bendi til sjálfsmorðs.

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