Top 10 ástæður fyrir að fara EKKI á Spiderman 3…

ég varð að copya þetta frá IMDB þar sem ég hugsaði nááááááákvæmlega það sama og þessi náungi sem skrifaði þetta, það er eins og ég hafi skrifað þetta frá grunni..

*smá spolers* en jesús pétur lesið þetta samt, bjargar ykkur frá 3 klukkutíma kvöl

10. Fundamental character confusion: Peter Parker turns into a cocky, flirting idiot for 45 minutes of the film… supposedly as a result of some alien goo exaggerating his characteristics, which funny enough also turns him into an angry goth teenager.

9. Blatant American cheese: There is actually a shot where Spidey lands in front of a waving American flag. I nearly choked on my straw.

8. Terrible acting: Just wait until you see Peter Parker and MJ cry together at the end. It's really, really funny! 7. Awful plot exposition: At the climax of the film they cut back and forth between a news reporter who informs us melodramatically about what is going on in the skies above her. Her lines are “I cannot believe what my eyes are seeing!”… and the audience shared this thought in despair as we watched a $250m film plummet to its doom.

6. Peter Parker dancing: Our theatre roared with laughter. I cried. I cried hard. I still weep when I think about it. It's awful…. just awful.

5. The line spoken by character Eddie Brock (Venom) as he prays to Jesus on the cross: “It's Brock sir, Edward Brock Jr. I'm here humbled and humiliated to ask you for one thing… I want you to kill Peter Parker.”… I waited for Jesus to reply, but he seemed to have his head bowed in shame… no doubt hoping that no one would recognise him in such a bad film.

4. The most interesting villain (Venom) shows up in the last 15 minutes. The most boring villain (an angry sand dune) seems to simply annoy Spidey all the through and then apologise at the end.

3. Too much time spent on special effects and not enough on the story. The effects are good, but that should never be an excuse to give a film a good rating.

2. It's a chick-flick.

1. The ONLY redeeming feature of this film is the performance by Bruce Campbell as a French maitre d'. He is very, very funny. They could have just released his scene and then put up an apology to the audience that could have simply read…

“The remainder of this picture isn't worth watching. You may now leave the theatre. Thank you.”
Dyggur stuðningsmaður AS Roma frá hinni eilífu borg.. FORZA ROMA