jamm ég ætla að segja nokkrar setningar úr frægum myndum og þið eigið að giska úr hvaða myndum það er og hann sem veit mest er langbestur og á skilið feitt respect frá öllum hér …

1.Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse.

2.(Shouted) Hey miiister Wilson.

3.No fucking shit lady, do i sound like i´m ordering a pizza ?

4.In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women

5.This girl just eye-fuck the shit out of me.


7.Hey, why don't I just go and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?

8.I'm gonna get fuckin' divorced. No marriage counselling, no trial separation, I'm gonna get fuckin' divorced

gangi ykkur vel
And then the viking roared “there can be only one!” and that day it was Jón Páll Sigmarsson… he was really amazing.