Blaðamaður á var að tala við Spielberg á Golden Globe verðlaunahátíðinni og þar staðfesti Spielberg að hann ætlaði að gera Indiana Jones 4 og sagði að þeir væru komnir með titil og handrit. Þegar hann er búinn að gera myndina Catch Me if you Can á þessu ári ætlar hann að snúa sér að Indiana Jones 4. Ég er bara í skýjunum yfir þessum fréttum og get ekki beðið.

Hér er fréttin:

At the end of a wild night of partying and celebrating for the 2002 Golden Globes, I had the rare opportunity of talking with Steven Spielberg, Kate Capshaw and Harrison Ford. They were sitting together in a small booth in the basement of Trader Vic's at the Beverly Hilton Hotel at the combined party thrown by DreamWorks, USA Films and Universal Pictures.

This threesome is pretty much it in Hollywood. After all, between Spielberg and Ford they've made some of the highest grossing and best loved films of all time. Capshaw, who's Mrs. Spielberg, co-starred with Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

So what's the story, I wanted to know — with this trio finally in one place, and relaxed enough to talk, will we ever see Indiana Jones 4?

“Yes,” they all said, and confirmed that once Spielberg films Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, IJ4 will be his priority.

“We have a title, but we're not ready to announce it,” Spielberg said. “I will give you one clue, though. Kate is in it.” I asked if he meant that Capshaw's character would appear via flashbacks, and he replied: “No. She'll be in the present.”

Steven Spielberg
Ford, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award, said he's ready to take on this last chapter. “It was always about getting the right script, and now we have it,” he said.

Harrison gave quite a nice speech last night. I asked him if he'd been nervous about giving it. “For a couple of days leading up to it I was, then I thought What the hell, here I am. And I wasn't nervous at all.”

Spielberg, by the way, is finishing up the editing on Minority Report with Tom Cruise. And he told me that his long aborning plan to make Arthur Golden's novel, Memoirs of a Geisha, has finally ended. “I'm not going to do it,” he confirmed. “It's over.”