Memento hæf fyrir næsta óskar! Mikið hefur verið rætt um hvort Memento geti fengið óskars tilnefningar næst því hún var framleidd árið 2000, Roger Ebert fékk spurningu um þetta í “Movie Answer Man”. Hélt að þið hefðuð áhuga á að sjá það.

I visited England last November and saw ‘'Memento.’' The movie wasn't released in the U.S. until April. Does that make it a 2000 film not a 2001 film? Last year's ‘'Croupier’' wasn't allowed Oscar nominations because it was made in 1998 and shown briefly in another country. Will the same thing happen to ‘'Memento?’'
Alec Kerr, Lovell, Maine

No problem. John Pavlik, a spokesman for the Academy, says ‘'Memento’' is eligible for the Oscars because its first showing outside the U.S. took place within the year 2000. ‘'Croupier’' was ineligible because it was shown on overseas TV prior to its overseas theatrical release.