Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Bls. 333

‘Ah, but the Third Hallow is a true cloak of invisibility, Miss Granger! I mean to say , it is not a travelling cloak …
… we are talking about a cloak that really and truly renders the wearer completely invisible, and endures eternally, giving constant and impenetrable concealment, no matter what spells are cast at it.

Nú gæti maður spurt sig, hvernig gat þá Dumledore galdrað Harry þegar hann var undir skikkjunni í Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince (sjá næsta quote).

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
bls. 545

…He looked round at Dumbledore, who gestured to him to retreat. Harry backed away, drawing his wand as he did so. The door burst open and somebody erupted through it and shouted: 'Expelliarmus!'
Harry's body became instantly rigid and immobile, and he felt himself fall back against the Tower wall, propped like and unsteady statue, unable to move or speak. He could not understand how it had happened - Expelliarmus was not a freezing charm -
Then, by the light of the Mark, he saw Dumbledore's wand flying in an arc over the edge of the ramparts and understood
Dumbledore had wordlessly immobilised Harry

Og svona til að staðfesta það 100% að Harry var undir skikkjunni:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
bls. 546

Therer was silence. Harry stood imprisoned within his own invisible, paralysed body, staring at the two of them, …

Auðvitað er Dumbledore örugglega einhver mesti galdramaður, ef ekki sá mesti, sem uppi hefur verið en hefur hann virkilega afl til þess að galdra í gegnum huliðsskikkju dauðans? Mér sýnst þetta bara vera klaufaskapur í Jo. Hvað haldið þið? :)