Allt er að verða vittlaust af þessum heimi sem blizzard eru nú að vinna að á fullu, fyrir þá sem vita ekki þá á þessi leikur að vinna einsog ultima en þá ert þú einn einstaklingur í þessum leik og getur hópað saman aðra leikmenn og búið til þorp og bæji.
Þetta lýtur allt glæsilega út hjá þeim en hérna er smá preview frá ign, ég nennti ekki að þýða þetta en hérna er þetta allt

“Have you read Talmadge Blevins' preview of World of Warcraft, Blizzard's online RPG yet? It's so damn meticulous and anal that when I went to visit Blizzard to see the game in motion for myself, I'd found that he'd listed ever major detail of the game already. Fortunately, I managed to squeeze a little more in the way of a play experience out of them, though obviously they're still very shy about releasing any specifics on the game. After the major changes that Warcraft III has gone through over the last year, it's no surprise that they're going to wait a while before handing out definites regarding the game.
There were a few new tidbits, however. There will definitely be more than the three races demonstrated in the initial ECTS announcement, however no specific races, or even a race total has been given out. You can assume, however, that since the game takes place four years after Warcraft III, that races like the Undead will most likely be a part of the online universe as well. How will this all fit together in an online world? Obviously you'll be making parties from a variety of races, which doesn't seem to fit with the WC III universe, where the races are at war– but they've said that there are ways they're making it fit in the storyline. Also, you'll be able to switch on player killing as well, so the option to continue the race war is still available to you, if you want an extra challenge. Mostly, the demo was about a few new details that haven't been talked about before in the massive preview:

Environments: The environments shown off in the demo I had a chance to see included Duskwood, a gloomy bluish forest area, complete with glowing eyes at the tops of trees, and cobwebs drapes off of branches. Everything's moving in the world, so if you watch the cobwebs closely you'll see them sway so slightly with the unholy breezes. The second area was the Elven Forest, a beautiful area of reds and yellows that kept with the wooded look you're familiar with in the series. Stranglethorn Vale , the third area demonstrated, was a more tropical setting, with bright greens and reds, and pools of bright blue water. It was a bit different than the usual Warcraft scenery, and actually reminded me a bit of Phantasy Star Online in terms of the color and plant design. Everything in general in the environments has an almost hand painted coloring style that makes it feel soft while still being cool, and very Warcraft. It's nice to see they're really trying to create something visually unique rather than just try to make everything as real as possible, something that Warcraft has, proudly, never been.
Magic: I managed to catch a couple of spells in action, an ice spell that spray down icicles on an enemy, a healing spell, a Phase Shift spell that allows you to teleport to a location currently in your sites, and Word of Recall, a spell that pulls you instantly to a Bindstone. We'll get to that later. Other than the fact that they look fantastic, the cool thing about spells in WoW is that they're mouse driven, like everything else. In other words, no targeting. Using a heal spell consists of just activating and clicking on a character. Again, it's about ease of use. Even more interesting are the Ritual spells, group spells that take multiple members of a group to task. To access the Stranglethorn Vale area, three different party members cast different parts of a large spell in order to open upa Stonehenge type opening that worked as a gateway to the new area. It's just an example of how Rituals will work, but – surprise – no details are being talked about, like whether or not pieces of specific ritual spells will be attached to certain races, or how many people you'll need for larger ritual spells. It's a great concept though, and encourages team interaction.

Bindstone and Grave Robbery: You know it sucks. Who the hell wants to spend an hour getting their stuff from their corpse after they die? For WoW, the team has promised that there will be no ”must have“ situations when it comes to having to go back to your corpse. Again, no specifics, only that losing all your items is not going to happen. They want to find a penalty so that there's an incentive for going back to your corpse, but that you don't feel the drudgery of having to do it whether you like it or not. Also, there are ”checkpoints“ in the game in the form of Bindstones (that may not be the final title), cool Stonehenge type objects that basically save your point for respawning after death.

Food: Blizzard believes that food should heal, not be a requirement for survival, so food in the game acts as a small heal effect, not as a form of sustenance.

No Camping, no Item Farming: It's being said again by the team – their top priority is to keep the game moving, not encourage people to sit by bushes waiting to kill a creature holding a specific object. This is the same company that made Diablo II, so they understand the importance of throwing unique objects out into the world, but they also want to balance that with a game that keeps the action flowing.

Special Objects are Truly Special: When you get a special sword in the game, like they demonstrated in the demo by completing a couple of small quests, you'll get a sword. Enormous, flaming, and damn cool. They want special and hard to find objects to really be a bragging point, like in Diablo II, so you can expect an artistic flair with the objects you'll find in the same way the environments have a stylized look. Believe me, when work for months to complete an armor set or gain a special weapon, the world will know.

After chatting up the developers for a while after the demonstration, it's clear that while they don't want to give you specifics (other than what they've announced), they want to make sure that you know that they're really looking at all of the things that make online games work, and not work. In terms of importance, what Blizzard wants to accomplish is an action-oriented game that has a strong community system, but overall, to create a world as well as a game. That means ”no reading a book or watching TV while playing our game,“ they joked. Blizzard is known for great pacing on their titles, and while an online game certainly won't have the pacing of, say, Diablo, the team is confident that if the pacing isn't right, then it'll be fixed. From a company notorious for play-testing products way past deadlines to get the details right, you can be pretty sure they're going to keep their word on this one.

– Vincent Lopez ”