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coL vs zEx CAL-Invite finals!

compLexity vs zEx

coL: Sunman, Storm, tr1p, Warden & fRoD.
zEx: recTOOR, yuk, i0nZ, titus & holyman

compLexity > zEx 16:6


Þetta fyrsta tímabil compLexity í Cal-Invite hafa þeir vægast sagt rúllað yfir alla unnu meðal annars Team3D 25-5, United5 tvisvar 20-10 og 21-9 ofl. Eitt lið hefur þó náð að standa í þeim en það er zEx(Zebra Extreme) sem þeir rétt unnu 16-14 í spennandi leik í De_Nuke sem þeir telja að sé eitt sitt sterkasta borð. CompLexity hafa reyndar yfirhöndina því þeir eru í Winners Bracket og þurfa því einungis að sigra fyrra mappið. De_Inferno mun vera fyrra mappið og er ekki komið á hreint hvað seinna verður ef coL tapa.
Margir bjuggust ekki við miklu af frekar nýju liði zEx en margir töldu þá illa farna eftir að menn á borð við ShaGuar og sunman yfirgáfu liðið. zEx tóku nýlega inn til sín Aimetti sem á eftir að reynast þeim vel en i0nZ er á allra manna vörum núna en hann er langhæstur í zEx með +164 kills samkvæmt GameSense Statistics(GotFrag).
zEx þurfti einnig að vinna fyrir sér til að komast alla leið en þeir sigruðu m.a United5 tvisvar, 16-3 og 24-6, fyrrum CAL-I meistara WEW 16-8 og Team3D 16-7. Við megum heldur betur búast við hörku leik. Ég fékk tvo af þekktari spilurum landsins til að spá í úrslitin með mér en þeir eru Viggi ‘WarDrake’ og Ólafur ‘Some0ne’.

Eftir að coL sigraði zEx í winnersbracket finals í nuke eftir æsispennandi leik sem endaði 16-14 coL í hag mætti zEx united5 í inferno. zEx voru svakalegir í leiknum og spiluðu á alls oddi og alveg sama hvað u5 gerði þá kom zEx sterkir tilbaka, mjög góð fake og voru alltaf með gaur sem kom í bakið og mætti halda að þeir væru að wallhacka því ef u5 tók tvöfalt double stack í middle þá sótti zEx á B, ef þeir voru margir B, þá sótti zEx A, ef u5 tók stack í sniperkofa þá grensuðu þeir hann random. zEx komu uppúr þessum leik sem mjög svo sannfærandi sigurvegari með scoreið 16-3.

Þannig í úrslitaviðureigninni mætast zEx og coL aftur en þarsem coL sigraði í winnersbracket þá þarf zEx að sigra 2x til að verða CALi sigurvegarar. Mappið sem verður spilað er inferno en í því mappi voru einmitt zEx að taka u5 í analinn og verður coL að taka á honum stóra sínum til að sigra hið mjög svo heita zEx lið.
Áður en ég horfði á demóið af United5 og zEx ætlaði ég að spá coL 16-7 sigri en eftir að hafa séð hve heitir zEx eru þessa stundina þá ætla ég að vera soldið kaldur og spá því að þetta fari í overtime en þar mun coL koma sterkir inn og vinna og þar af leiðandi sleppa að spila seinna mappið. coL 20 > zEx 16

Þetta verður án efa spennandi úrslit, síðasti leikur liðanna í Winners Bracket final var miklu jafnari en ég bjóst við, og kom mér það hreinlega á óvart hvað zEx áttu mikið í coL. Hinsvegar held ég að coL hafi vanmetið zEx en þeir eiga ekki eftir að gera það núna. Ég býst fastlega við því að coL fari með sigur af hólmi og giska ég á að coL tryggi sér sigur í de_inferno með því að vinna 16-12.
Mig grunar að i0nz eigi eftir að clutcha einhver round fyrir zEx og leiða liðið í fröggum, og fRoD eigi eftir að sjá um að vappa zEx í tætlur, og eflaust tryggja coL sigur með góðri spilun.

Menn leiksins:
coL: fRod
zEx: i0nZ

Einnig náði ég stuttu tali af coL.1 eiganda compLexity og zEx | i0nz einn heitasta spilaranum í CAL.


How do you feel about tonights match? And does your team practice some extra before this big games?

I think it's going to be an incredible match. zEx has really been playing well lately and we look at them as a very serious threat to us winning the Championship. Our team usually practices quite a bit, but we try to step up our practice times before big matches. The problem we've been having is not many top teams are scrimming because their CAL season is over.

I've read before that your team scrims 3-4 times a day, how much do you practice before large events?

Yes, we scrim a minimum of 3 times a day, usually more like 5 or 6. Before large events we increase the number of days we scrim from 5 days to 6 days a week. We'll also be bootcamping in Chicago before we attend CPL Spain.

What do you feel about when people talk about teams not wanting to use their real strats online to save them for the big LAN events, is this true?

I have always thought that was total garbage. Top teams work hard to win whether it's online or on LAN. Most teams perfect their LAN strats in online leagues and bootcamps so saying a top team saves their strats for a LAN is just ridiculous.

What would say is your team's biggest advantage/disadvantage going into this match?

Our biggest advantage is they have to beat us 2 times, but we only have to win 1. Our biggest disadvantage is the fact that zEx might be the hottest team in North America right now.

Any final words to zEx?

They are a bunch of great guys, and I'd like to wish them good luck.

Thanks for the short interview and good luck, any shoutouts?

Thanks for the interview. I'd like to thank our sponsors: GameComm, Steel Series, IceMat Audio, Subway, Hi-Definition Gaming, Comcage and IMG. I'd also like to thank all our European fans for their wonderful support of the team. Wish us luck! Smile

zEx | i0nz

How do you feel about tonights match? And does your team practice some extra before this big games?

Tonights match will be a great one. Every time I play coL it’s a great match
up. With all their dedication and motivation they are never under prepared
for a match. zEx has not practice once for this CALi season since I joined.
We practice 1.3 inferno before our 3D match (which we lost) but other than
that we have not gone over any maps or any strats since I have joined. On a
good note we are starting to practice for the upcoming acon5 GGL and CEVO
events that we will be participating in.

How much does your team practice? How much do you practice before large events

Practice is a word that isn’t used very often with in the zEx members as of
this season. Since I joined we have scrimed but not practice as a team
hardcore such as going over strats/dry-runs and etc. Since Acon5, GGL, and
CEVO are large events with money evolved we are starting to practice. We
start practice this week which will consist of 5 days of practice with each
day containing about 3-4hrs of scriming. As for the bootcamp question… I
know that zEx bootcamped for like 2 weeks prior to last CPL but we have not
discussed as a team for any upcoming bootcamps as of yet.

What would say is your team's biggest advantage/disadvantage going into this

Well our biggest disadvantage is the fact that we haven’t practice as much
as coL has for this match. Our biggest advantage must be….idunno ^^

What do you feel about when people talk about teams not wanting to use their
real strats online to save them for the big LAN events, is this true?

I don’t agree with that tactic, your closes thing to practice for an event
other than the bootcamp which is on the week or so prior to the event is
your online practice. For a team to sit in a server and run a strat by
themselves and not against a team is idiotic because of the fact that you
can’t see the flaws your strat has. Teams can easily have anti-strat to
yours and you will have no clue on how to adjust to it because u spent the
last month and a half practicing in a server just with five guys.

Do you feel any extra pressure with you being consired zEx's best man?

Extra pressure no at all. I do get a lot of attention outside of the team but once we step inside a server together we win as a team and we lose as a team

Any final words to coL?

I would like to say good luck to all coL members and lets have some fun
tomorrow and danny boi your going down ^^

Thanks for the short interview and good luck, any shoutouts?

Shoutouts to the aG crew and all my Florida boys and to the rest of zEx.

Þakka óla og Vigga!