Adrenaline Vesslan tilkynnti að 4K^Xenon muni ekki spila með Adrenaline á meðan WCG qualifier stendur á, og keppninni sjálfri. Xenon mun snúa aftur til Englands og til félagana sinna í 4Kings.
Hann sagði m.a þetta:

I felt as if the practices were going pretty badly and didnt feel very motivated to play. We decided it was best for both parties if I spent my remaining time here before moving back to UK finishing off my internship and sorting out things such as my student loan & finding a tenant for my apartment. I'll be rooting for the boys @ the qualifier and do my best to get them drunk aftetwards ;)

Enn fyrrum spilari SK.swe, Brunk mun fylla skarð hans á meðan keppninni stendur, og ætti að verða spennandi að sjá brunk mæta sínum fyrrum félögum í SK.swe, einnig má geta að SpawN mun spila fyrir SK.swe í WCG vegna ElemenT er norskur og má þá ekki taka þátt með sk.swe.

Old skúl clanið Matrix tilkynntu einnig að þeir ætli að taka þátt í wcg eftir að hafa verið mikið inactive síðastliðnar vikur.

Matrix - Legenden:

As many of you know , clan-matrix “died” after a promising start that was cut short by some internal problems and Players departure / inactivity this left matrix without an active CS squad. We continued to play in SEL due to the player - webworld contract, and we also played the WCG Qualifier (Qualifier) with another rooster which worked since we qualified to the qualifier but it was a one time thing. Now after some time of wondering in the dark we decided to try something else as you might know HLO another promising clan that cut short has broke (HLO says that they will announce a new team shortly). So it looked like a good chance to try to build something again and after a few conversations we decided that we will take this chance slowly and carefully, the matrix team will be playing in the WCG qualifier with the following roster…

> Legenden

> Magix

> MegatoN

> rvd

> Zad

<a href="">Clan Matrix</a