Um daginn voru sett þau lög í Grikklandi um að banna spilun ALLRA tölvuleikja. Þetta er þeirra lausn á fjárhættuspilum gegnum tölvur eða eitthvað slíkt. Þú gætir þá átt von á hárri sekt t.d. fyrir það að spila snake í símanum heima hjá þér eða að spila skák á netinu. Sem dæmi þá vöru nokkrir krakkar handteknir fyrir að hafa verið að spila CS og fleiri leiki á svona netkaffihúsi.

Þýtt af :

In full implementation it places the Ministry of Finance and the responsible Undersecretary k. Fotiadis, the absurd law that as initial objective had the prohibition of lucky games, it led however to characterize illegal each user of computer and each holder of mobile telephone in the country.

The law expressly forecasts that are illegally ALL the games that are played in instruments that use current. Illegally that is to say it is the card games and chess in the computers but also the snake in mobile! !!

Is the bill beyond the simple holder of computer, offended immediately the householders and the workers of Internet Cafe? in the country. With the new law are even prohibited in the shops of any type in question games, recreational, as naturally and those that are played by the Internet.

Certainly the network localities that have the games are not outlaws, but they are this outlaws that play! !!

Imagine therefore, that with the full implementation of law in the practice, what will prevail in the country if exist charges against each domestic user, each holder mobile etc. Illegal also they are the journalists, the students in the Universities still and the police officers that have computer or mobile with games. What will happen i wonder if do exist mass charges for all them?

Our Association does not wish neither he on the contrary prevents the Beginnings in the fighting of outlaw gambling (we support their efforts), neither to cause no problem in anyone. Ask only exist essential forecast and concern, so that are separated the recreational games and the games that are found in the internet by the lucky games.

In this our effort we will move itself to each direction, after however we exhaust each possibility of agreement with the Responsible Undersecretary for the discovery of solution.

Þetta er algjört rugl!!!
Þetta stríðir örugglega gegn mannréttindum og þessu hlítur að verða breytt!

Btw, ættu þeir ekki að verða reknir úr evrópusambandinu fyrir þetta?