Jæja DoD 3.1 kemur á morgun allir að vera tilbúnir að downloada honum. Hérna eru hlutirnir sem búið er að laga:

- added anti-cheat protection
- fixed textures problem in basic.wad
- fixed para round timer not ending round on 0:00
- fixed +Use exploit
- added garand\\carbine selection to light inf. in normal dod gameplay
- added thompson\\grease gun selection to assault inf. in normal dod
- added k43\\kar selection to light inf. in normal dod gameplay
- took away 1 grenade from axis light inf.
- fixed switching classes while dying sets reinforcements to 0:00
- added K43 normal gameplay sleeve texture in coding
- added\\Edited Vgui class menus and pics
- new Bar model tweak

Þessar upplýsingar má finna á http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/
