þetta kemur cs ekkert við, en ég pósta þessu bara samt hér, en þetta er snild fyrir alla þá sem hafa mikinn áhuga á TV.

http://www.amloo.com/funmoviez/9/movie88.zip<br><br><a href="http://a676.g.akamai.net/f/676/987/12h/photos.netclubs.com/live/photos/g/r/g/2/g2em3cc56vah3e290188nkppm4/17.jpg“><IMG SRC=”http://www.simnet.is/hringur/lotr8a_files/image004.jpg“ alt=”“ align=”left“></a>

Áhugamaður <a href=”http://www.simnet.is/hringur">LOTR</a>

<b>Counter Strike mottó:</b>

Attack on ground where your enemy belives you will not,
from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time.
Defend where you enemy belives you are not,
and when he believes you will run.
Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise.
For the soldier, speed is life.

Robert Jordan - Book six of the wheel of time
Hva, stafsetningarvilla,,,,,,