Tharna …. hendid interp i 0.01 online og lani ….

Final Thoughts

Playing with a “high” interp value isn't all it's cracked up to be: the higher the value, the greater chance of randomness, and the slower your reaction time. Based upon the findings of this article, the community should no longer be paranoid about players using .1 interp. The player will be forced to bank on your ability to miss, or at least have a substantially slower reaction time.

It is the opinion of my colleagues, my research, and myself that the best option is to use .01 interp. However, it is very feasible that the player would use .1 interp based upon the speed of his internet connection, the speed of his reaction time, and the speed of the server he is playing on.

So next time you die a little bit out of sync and get ready to go off on that rant on interp, keep in mind that 1) the death camera in Counter Strike 1.6 is designed to show you who killed you, 2) by using .01 interp you are shooting at the closest possible replication of what the server is seeing, 3) it's all in your head.

veit ad thetta er gomul grein en hun utskyrir muninn a hvernig interp virkadi i 1.5 og 1.6

ex_interp 0.01…. ! :) skemmtid ykkur a laninu