L.O.V.E.: Lifeform Optimized for Violence and Exploration
H.A.T.E.: Humanoid Assembled for Troubleshooting and Exploration
X.O.R. : Xenomorph Optimized for Repair
D.O.A. : Device Optimized for Assassination
S.A.T. : Synthetic Artificial Technician
M.U.R.K.: Mechanical Unit Responsible for Killing
A.S.N.I.: Android Skilled in Nocturnal Infiltration
S.I.C. : Synthetic Intelligent Construct

C.O.S.A.N.O.S.T.R.A.: Construct Optimized for Sabotage and Accurate Nullification/Obedient Synthetic Troubleshooting and Repair Android

L.O.R.D.: Lifeform Optimized for Repair and Destruction
K.L.I.P.A.: Kinetic Lifeform Intended for Peacekeeping and Assassination
N.E.F. : Networked Electronic Facsimile
G.G.R.N.: General Galactic Repair Neohuman
V.O.N. : Violence and Observation Neohuman
U.N. : Upgraded Neohuman
T.V.A.L.: Terran Violence and Assassination Lifeform
L.S.D. : Lifeform Skilled in Destruction
3.G.Z. : 3 General Zombies
D.O.N. : Device Optimized for Nullification
