M.K.K. vs 50. 210-566

1.P. vs Necro 254-451

Abeo vs gRiD 315-406

SAC vs Jugend 0-700 (SAC gaf leikinn)

HB vs -e- (rematch)

Staðann er þá svona:

Jugend 700 stig
50. 566 stig
Necro 451 stig
gRiD 406 stig
Abeo 315 stig
1.P. 254 stig
M.K.K. 210 stig
SAC 0 stig
HB og -e- keppa aftur

Day of Defeat - <a href="http://www.lanparty.is/necro/index.html“>Necrophiliacs</a> ”What a beautiful corpse“
<a href=”http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com“>Day of Defeat Hompage</a>

Return To Castle Wolfenstein - Clanless
<a href=”http://www.activision.com/games/wolfenstein/home.html">RTCW Hompage</a
Xbox360 Gametag: Shmeeus