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Christopher, 19, will tour the globe as “Counter-strike” Pros

Jönköping. Travel. Celebrations. Sponsor Contract. Free tools. Fans across the globe. Tournaments where hundreds of thousands of crowns are at stake.

Christopher Alesund, professional “Counter-Strike” players, living a life others would worship.

But mostly he longs to become a regular Svensson.

What is your life as e-sport look like?

- For a year now, I am full-time employee of Team Fnatic, but I only get money when I win tournaments. We have been on the road in just over eight months, most recently two months in particular, Dubai, China and Germany. So I do not have much free time at home. And now we will continue to travel to the end of December - we come home just before Christmas, and then we go in January again.

- Before I came on the team, I traveled very far. I'm really afraid of flying! The first trip with the team was damn daunting … It was the first time I traveled to five years. But I captured the moment. Not all young people as I can go to these places.

How was the transition from being a regular guy to start traveling around the world - and live to play?

- Everything is so new to me. But it's a bit hard to say no to friends at home if they want to go out anymore, and movie nights and stuff like a normal 19-year-old does.

- When I go out and party at home people jump on me at the pub, but then I would really be with people who do not play so much, I want my time away from that. I want to turn it off. I want to be one of the gang, not the one who is always traveling and not there. It becomes a little too hard sometimes, when people jump on me and are really full - “Oooh, it is you who are GeT_RiGhT?!” - And to bid for beer.

How do things stand abroad?

- The Chinese are crazy about these kinds of stuff. And in Korea, the five TV stations for “StarCraft”. It is bigger than everything, it is their national sport. In China, last week we were in the Olympic finals, you could say, for e-sport games - World Cyber Games. When we played the final of a large hangar was 9000 persons there and pressed, which stood on each other and cried. It's not something you see here in Sweden.

- In China it is recognized as one might do. We had some trouble with our tickets - and then it was a guard who recognized us. “You're Fnatic, right?” Then he helped us come up with another plan.

How long do you prepare for tournaments?

- In two weeks. Then we try to play as much as possible. First a week on the internet, since we tend to “boot camp” at my house - we played last type 14 hours a day.

- When we go hang out as much as possible to get a good chemistry. After the tournaments so partying is always together, even with other teams. We get pleasure afterwards, too. It was great to come to Dubai when it was 30 degrees at night while it was getting wet in Sweden …

How has your family reacted to all this?

- In the beginning they could not understand, but now they are having that I can push everything else aside, at this time - for example, job and studies. For it would not go otherwise.

- I've been playing for ten years, when I was younger, it was a whole new world - when I came home from school and played lot and heard my mom moan.

- Nowadays she is completely insane, she knows more than I do when there is news and so. “Have you seen this?!” I have stepped down a bit because I know how good I am and do not have to keep up with the same amount. But the mother follows all of our games online and follow the results and will be nerves when we lose, because then they know how I am sur … Dad would not always look, he gets too nervous. But they are as much as possible. They download all pictures of me from various events, they will find all the e-sports pages … It has almost become a bit tough, but it's fun to have an accepting family. Some are of course not.

Have you made up your mind that this is your career now that you put other things aside?

- Ideally, I would be a normal adult with a regular job and an ordinary apartment where I can stay home and relax. At some point we must drop this and go back to the “boring” Smith-life. And deep down I'm probably a little Svensson.

- But I think I will continue until I am 22 or 23. It's like in school when learning the language - they learn best at an early age. Between 16 and 24, you are probably best. Stop it for a long time it becomes so boring as a person - you do not like to play longer, and not to travel either, and when you get tougher reflexes, and so you realize eventually that it has something to do on those new 16 – olds.

What was the first thing you did when you came home to Sweden after two months?

- The first thing I did was go home and make a portion of meatballs and macaroni. And so I wanted to eat kebab as well!

- It is wonderful to come to a country where it is almost neutral. But I feel fortunate. Everyone wants to be a well-Zlatan - I also wanted to become a professional footballer. But I play computer games instead.

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