Á fjölmiðlafundi í dag tilkynntu stjórnendur CGS deildarinnar þá ákvörðun að leggja niður deildina.

While the concept was ahead of its time and we are extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished, it became increasingly clear as this ambitious project evolved, that profitability was too far in the future for us to sustain operations in the interim.

Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in the e-sports space, and conceived of CGS as a true sports league. We invested wholeheartedly in the venture and presented viewers with a top-notch production, but the economics just didn’t add up for us at this time.

Þar með er ljóst að margir gamers sem tóku þátt og voru með samning eru lausir og spurningin vaknar hvort gömlu 1.6 risarnir snúa aftur (coL, 3D)

3D virðast ekki hafa sóað sínum tíma og tilkynntu það að 2009 yrði 1.6 ár hjá liðinu og að þeir myndu fara fremstir flokki

<@[3D]-Torbull> it's been a long two years
<@[3D]-Torbull> an interetsing time with CGS
<@[3D]-Torbull> and … Source ;)
<@[3D]-Torbull> jk
<@[3D]-Torbull> but
<@[3D]-Torbull> but
<@[3D]-Torbull> but
<@[3D]-Torbull> i just got back from cologne, germany
<@[3D]-Torbull> watched the wcg grand finals
<@[3D]-Torbull> and it saddened me to not have 3D winning
<@[3D]-Torbull> OUR event
<@[3D]-Torbull> but
<@[3D]-Torbull> its back
<@[3D]-Torbull> 2009 is the year of 1.6
<@[3D]-Torbull> mark my words here
<@[3D]-Torbull> and we're going to be leading the charge
<@[3D]-Torbull> It all starts in #esportsea
<@[3D]-Torbull> we just launched a CS 1.6 league
<@[3D]-Torbull> and the 1.6 scene is coming back
<@[3D]-Torbull> from the BOTTOM UP
<@[3D]-Torbull> grass roots
<@[3D]-Torbull> We need to take the community by storm
<@[3D]-Torbull> which is why…
<@[3D]-Torbull> the new 3D line
<@[3D]-Torbull> up
<@[3D]-Torbull> i
<@[3D]-Torbull> s
<@[3D]-Torbull> ….
<@[3D]-Torbull> 1100 people in here?
<@[3D]-Torbull> i think we can go higher
<@[3D]-Torbull> this is TEAM 3D
* @[3D]-Torbull (~tb@[3D]-Torbull.user.gamesur ge) Quit (G-lined (I warned you about idler competitions yet you persisted.)) (lol)

*fRoD has changed name to

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