It's Now Fall 2007…
…And I'm pretty sure you all know what I'm referring to by saying “it.”

Electronic Arts, Valve's game distributor and helping hands on Half-Life 2's Playstation 3 port, has released a PR spread with the official announcement of the Orange and Black box packages that will be made available at Episode Two's release. But ever so gently, added to the bottom of this sheet was the word “Fall.” Yes, that's the new ETA for Episode Two.

The Black Box and The Orange Box are targeted for release in Fall 2007. For more information, please visit

I guess this will give you guys time to tan during the Summer, so that when Fall comes, you won't have any reason to go outside in the cold!

Doug Lombardi was kind enough to clear this up for us. It's fall, as the title says.

Should be fall – “back to school” timeframe is what we're now targeting.

Jæja, þetta er þó mun skárra en vetur! =D Það gat nú varla verið ^^ Þá er bara að fara út að leika sér eins og önnur börn í sumar og fara svo inn í tölvuna að spila EP2 í lok þess. ;D