
Valve and the CPL have taken several steps to eliminate the terrorism vibe of Counter-Strike in light of the 9-11 attacks in New York. This is a smart step, since the American public's sensitivity (and sensibility) about terrorism has changed drastically in the last month, and left-field criticism of the CPL for using CS was quite possible under the media spotlight of Worlds.

Here are the changes, in Munoz's words:

1. The words “terrorist” and “counter-terrorist” have been replaced with the clan's name.

2. In-game text files containing the words “terroist” “counter-terrorist” have been replaced with “offensive team” and “defensive team.”

3. The text files containing the word “bomb” have been replaced with “device” and “communication device.”

4. Sound wav. files containing explosion sounds have been deleted.

5. Models are now forced and the entire offensive and defensive teams can choose only one model per team.

The action of the game now gravitates around a team trying to activate a communication device and the other team attempting to prevent that.