Hægriklikkið á steam gerið “games” hægrið klikkið á CS gerið propertise og skrifið þetta í launch options.

512MB System Memory: -heapsize 262144

1GB System Memory: -heapsize 524288

2GB System Memory: -heapsize 1048576

Dedicated Server -applaunch 5
Counter-Strike -applaunch 10
Team Fortress Classic -applaunch 20
Day of Defeat -applaunch 30
Half-Life -applaunch 70
Half-Life High Definition -applaunch 96
Condition Zero -applaunch 80
Condition Zero Deleted Scenes -applaunch 100
Source Dedicated Server -applaunch 210
Source SDK -applaunch 211
Half-Life 2 -applaunch 220
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch -applaunch 321
Half-Life 2 Lost Coast -applaunch 340
Counter-Strike Source -applaunch 240
Half-Life Source -applaunch 280
Day of Defeat Source -applaunch 300
Darwinia -applaunch 1500

640x480 = -w 640 -h 480
800x600 = -w 800 -h 600 (Recommended)
1024x768 = -w 1024 -h 768

-freq xxx (Recommend 100Hz);Changes the Hertz while playing on the HL engine.
-refresh xxx (Recommend 100Hz);Changes the Hertz while playing on the HL2Source engine.

-gl ; Enables OpenGL rendering mode.

-nojoy ; Disables joystick to reduce memory usage.

-32bpp ; Enables 32Bit rendering.
-16bpp ; Enables 16Bit rendering. (Not Recommended)

DirectX 9 -dxlevel 90
DirectX 8.1 -dxlevel 81
DirectX 8 -dxlevel 80
DirectX 7 -dxlevel 70

Bætt við 24. október 2006 - 18:35
Hja mér eralltaf ms í 15-20 stöðugt fer ekki lægra en hérna er aðferð til að fá ms 0 fyrir þá sem vita ekki hvad ms er ættu að kinna sér það betur hérna http://gotfrag.com/cs/story/30057/?spage=3

Farðu i options í leiknum og settu
sv_maxupdaterate 30, ex_interp 0, cl_updaterate 40