Written by “Hoorai|lurppis” the older brother of nasu, the 16 year old player of hoorai;
“before the event we received an email stating that if we have someone thats UNDER 16 on our team we won't receive any prizes, which was what they told us at the check-in too… they also had an announcement in the area before the whole tournament started saying that teams with players under 16 years old may participate but won't receive any prizes.”

Þýðir það ekki að hoorai í rauninni “detti út”, SK færist upp í 2 sæti og seven í 3ðja og fái þar með þau verðlaun? Eða ætla þeir bara að eiga þennan pening fyrir næsta mót?

Hvort sem það verður 3ðja eða 4ða sæti þá er bæði frábær árangur hjá seveN :D