Þetta fann ég á planethalflife.com. Sjálfur er ég ekki búinn að prófa CS 1.3 nema í ca. 30 mín og þannig að ég hef ekki tekið eftir þessu. En ef þetta er satt þá er þessi leikur búinn að vera.

'Outrageous' CS Hitbox Changes
9/21/2001 15:30 PST | Counter-strike | by Jeh |
It seems as well as the higher CPU usage (see below), the new Hitboxes introduced in CS 1.3 are causing waves of frustration among the CS community. Check out this email we received from $emper-Fi from the DTM clan:
Hi my name $emper-Fi from the well known and top rated clan DTM. We played a scrim yesterday on 1.3 prodigy. The problem was these new ridiculous headshots. There were welll over 60 headshots, and no i am not exaggerating 67 to be exact. We couldn't believe this crap. So then we go out to public servers to see this, and sure enough newbies or amatuers are getting headshots nonstop. So we test it out in our server, by aiming slighty to the left, right, and top of the head. We all got headshots with nearly a half inch from the head, still hitting them! This it outrageous, and all of the true hardcore pro cs players do not like this.
We've also received similar emails from other people, but the email above pretty much summed it up.<br><br><a href="http://www.hate.is/anykey“ style=”text-decoration: none">[.Hate.]AnyKey<a/>
<a href="http://www.simnet.is/sinai/busta“ style=”text-decoration: none">[Busta]Punks<a/>
Ask Dr.AnyKey Anything</a