Þannig er málið að ég er í hl2 leiknum og er kominn frekar langt eða í enda “follow freeman” kaflans sem er held ég alveg örugglega þriðji seinasti kaflinn. Allavega er ég fastur á einum stað ég var búinn að vera drepa einhverja stridera og svo fór ég í einhvörn bílakjallara og lengra síðan held ég áfram að labba í gegnum rústirnar og þá koma vinir manns og segja manni að hjálpa sér að drepa enhverja dúdda og svo koma bara endalausst af þeim.

Ég var að reyna lesa einhvern walktrogh þar stóð eitthvað um að einhver hundur mundi koma og leiða mig ofan í einhverja holu svo stóð eitthvað um Barney líka og ég er ekki alveg að botna í þessu sko :S

New Squad mates will be coming behind you, and this next place is
crawling - CRAWLING - with Soldiers. As you exit the car garage,
they will be everywhere. Try to navigate the ruins as best you
can - there's only one way through, you won't get lost. When you
arrive at the building with the three chargers in it, it's time
to face the Striders. Climb to the roof - There's a rocket crate
there waiting for you, along with two Soldiers. Don't hesitate
to climb back down and use the chargers during the fight. You'll
probably need them. Just keep throwing rockets at the Striders.

Once both of the Striders are down, grab whatever ammo and health
is left over, if any, and head back to the roof. During the
battle, one of the Striders will have blown away the wall on the
right side of the roof. That opened up a path you can now take,
across a series of i-beams. Do so. Once across, jump down to the
street below. There will be a fire fight going on between Resistance
and Soldiers, so help them out. Then…

Dog will appear out of nowhere. You'll notice he's arrived by the
flying corpses. And then a car will come flying by and knock over
the Horse statue. That's Dog… He'll let you down into a hole
beneath the Citadel's ever expanding walls. Say farewell to Barney
and Dog. You won't be seeing them again any time soon.