Loksins loksins er komin aðferð til þess að breyta hl demounum yfir í .avi .. Þá getur maður spilað demoin í windowsi. hérna eru upplýsingarnar .. þið getið líka farið á www.cs-nation.com til þess að fá meiri upplýsingar

Making demo's into .avi's.

By: [TPE]Vermis and [TPE]RaisinJackass

Ever wondered how to make a demo into an .avi so you can make a custom demo and play it in windows? Well here is how to do it. You will need mkmovie.exe (32k) and a program that creates the .avi's. I strongly reccomend VideoMach 2.4.0.

Now, the first step to do make a demo, or find a previously made demo. You will need to make your resolution 400x300, i know its bad, but higher resolutions = lower frames, trust me, it will still look okay. Go in the console, and type “playdemo demoname” and watch it through (that gets it cached). Once it is done, type “startmovie anyname”, and then “playdemo demoname” again. The demo will play again, but will loook like its going at about 1 fps. thats okay. Once the demo is done playing, type “endmovie”. Look in your Half-life directory, and there should be a file named whatever you named the movie.

Now that you have the movie created, drag and drop the movie file (not the dmeo) over mkmovie.exe. It will make many bitmaps, depending on how long the movie was. The bitmaps will appear in your HL directory (if thats where you kept the movie file). Load up VideoMach, and insert all of the bitmaps (if you need to know how, there is a help file). Make sure you change it to run at 8fps, it sounds low, but at the defualt 30fps it flys, i find 8 to work best. Configure everything and create the .avi, it will have some compression, but if you want to use DivX compression (will cut it the filze size about half), use VirtualDub. You will need the divx codec.

If you want to do differant demo's all in one .avi, just make more movies, make the bitmaps, then add them all into VideoMach. You can delete all the bitmaps you dont want within VideoMach and preview it.

That are the basics of creating a demo to avi. If you want a sample of what you can do with it, here is a 30 meg, 2 minute long video of me in differnt situations, here (you'll need the divx codec).

Good lunk on making the videos! If you need help, drop by #TPE on gamesnet and me ([TPE]RaisinJackass) or [TPE]Vermis will be able to help.
