Loksins hefur sú ákvörðun verið tekinn, CS 1,6 verður spilaður á næsta skjálfta í stað CS;Source.

Hérna er statementið hjá Angel Munoz:

“For the past few months the CPL has been involved in discussions with developers, publishers, gamers, sponsors and partners in an attempt to select the best games to use during its 2006 season. Recently, the options were narrowed to only two games: a team game and a one-versus-one game.

Today, the CPL announced that the primary team game will be Counter-Strike version 1.6. While details about the 2006 tournament format will be announced later in the year, the CPL will launch two tournaments this year with Counter-Strike 1.6.

One tournament will be hosted at the Winter CPL Event (which will take place at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Dallas, Texas, December 14-18, 2005) and the other one will be hosted by CAL. More details on these two tournaments will be announced September 1, 2005.

The one-versus-one game will be announced once agreements are finalized.”

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