The Natural Selection development team is proud to introduce NS 3.03. This server-side patch (end players don't need to update) includes minor number tweaks to improve the damage done by siege bases (reducing the number of strikes needed to kill a hive by 3 siege cannons by 1 blast) and an armor change that should increase the early marine survivability vs upgraded skulks by allowing them to take one more bite. Late game marines will not notice much of a difference.

The Update is as follows:
* +5 armor (each armour level is now +5) for LA and JP marines.
* 380 siege damage. (+50 siege damage from 3.0f)

Ok here are the server file downloads (remember you only need this if you are running a server, NOT if you are a Natural Selection player), you can find them on Surftown, or Jarhedz, or NS Armslab.


Lítið en áhrifaríkt update. Smá samantekt:

1. Nú tekur 3 skulk bit (2 focus) til að drepa lvl 0 armor marine.
2. Brýtur upp armor1->wep1->wep2->wep3 rútínuna.
3. Gerir focus spawncamp erfiðara.
4. Fjölgar parakillum. (2 bit + parasite.)
5. Hefur lítil sem engin áhrif á late game.

Endilega skella þessu á serverinn sem fyrst. :)
You should encounter little organized resistance because the Pfhor are preoccupied.