Það eru 2 gaurar að vinna að nuke mappinu á source.
de_nuke for CS:Source

Today we were informed that mapper - Torn is working on another famous Counter-Strike map. We are talking about the new version of de_nuke. Torn is well known of his earlier map conversion - de_cbble, which was released at the same time when CS:S was released to the public. The map isn't finished yet but many of players who already tried the map described it as a good conversion. The only problem was that the map is amazingly ugly. You can see it by yourself, I present you two screenshots of the new de_nuke.

While Torn is working his fingers to the bone other mapper, Weeper, decided to make his own version of de_nuke. As you can see in the screenshots the Weeper's version looks more promising and eye friendly. His map will be released to public on Sunday 2nd January 2005.

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Þessi 2 efstu screenshot eiga að vera ljóta útgáfan en allt hitt á að vera flottara :)