VALVe disable'uðu 30.000 Steam Accounta til viðbótar, accountarnir voru disable'aðir út af fólk var að reyna að ná í Valve leiki ólöglega.

Today Valve disabled more than 30,000 Steam accounts which had been used to try to illegally gain access to Valve games without a valid purchase. Here's the quote for non-Steam forum members.

Valve takes such activities seriously and reserves the right to disable Steam accounts engaging in piracy, cheating, illegal activities, or any other activity in violation of the Steam Subscriber Agreement. The accounts that are disabled today will not be reactivated. - Erik Johnson (Valve)

Ekkert nema kartöflur í skjóin hjá þeim, ekki vera heimsk og ná í leiki hjá valve á netinu :P