Rétt var það eins minnti að var sagt fyrst að CS: Source er HL2 multiplayer, stendur í viðtali á halflife2.net, það verður 9 síðna review í október blaðinu af PC Gamer UK(fyrsta hl2 review)

(tekið af hlfallout)

the full version of CS:Source will be available to Steam purchasers next week!, you must pre-order Half-Life 2 via Steam.

Retail Boxes ( sem er keypt út í búð )

* Standard Edition — includes HL2 and CS:Source. Ships on six CDs, in one of three box-art packages (Gordon, Alyx or the G-Man).
* Collector's Edition — includes Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source, a Half-Life 2 T-shirt and a Prima book sampler. Ships on a single DVD.

Steam Packages

* Bronze — HL2* and CS:Source.
* Silver — HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam.
* Gold — HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam, Complete Strategy Guide from Prima Games, 3 different Half-Life 2 posters, Half-Life 2 hat, Half-Life 2 postcard, Half-Life 2 stickers, Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD, Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).

*To be made available upon product's release.

Ekkert var samt sagt um hvenær hl2 myndi koma

Þá er að vona að það sé ekki delayed :)