Það er mikið að gera hjá Valve mönnum þessa dagana en loks komu 3 nokkuð stór update frá þeim. Eitt updateið tengist CS:S en hin tvö steaminu sjálfu. Í CS:S var þetta lagað/breytt:

-Improved DX7 graphics code path performance by up to 225%.
-Fixed key bindings for non-US layouts causing the scoreboard to be stuck on.
-Fixed barrel nudging player forever if you crouched near it.
-Made correct names appear in “attacked teammate” message.
-Made changelevel due to map timelimit happen at round end.
-Added intermission scoreboard at end of round.
-Disabled hiding viewmodel with “impulse 200” if sv_cheats is off.
-Fixed reload exploit.
-Fixed C4 sound not playing while planting.
-Stopped money icon being red on level change.
-Added C4 icon in first person spectator mode if spectated player has the bomb.
-Fixed a problem where the game would crash when run on Win98 with a NVidia 5900, 5950, or 6800.
-Fixed crash due to stacking large numbers of weapons.
-Fixed muzzle flashes showing incorrectly when switching players in spectator mode.
-Fixed voice_banmgr.dt growing exponentially.

En svo voru tvö update í steaminu sjálfu:

-Fixed server browser problem which prevented servers from being displayed for some users
-Use of custom game content re-enabled

Þetta update gerir það að verkum að nú “festast” cs:cz modelin ekki lengur í cs sjálfum, loksins loksins.

Og að lokum:

-Fixed game launch problem caused by customized game content
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Confucius