Eins og vitið mun koma í næstu viku CS: Condition-Zero version 1.2
Viðtal var tekið við Jess Cliffe hjá VALVe um cz 1.2 sem að Valve & Turtle Rock Studios hafa verið að vinna í.
“<b>cliffe</b>: The new hostage AI is something we are really excited about and can't wait to see the reaction from the community. <b>Hostages can now crouch, use ladders, break windows, run, jump, etc. They can go just about anywhere you go. Showing emotion is another area we wanted to concentrate on. The hostages will fidget if bored and show fear when gunfire breaks out. In addition, the hostages will slowly try to escape if unguarded. The terrorists will have to keep a tight reign on the hostages by sticking close or finding the fleeing hostage, making him return to the terrorist base by intimidating him.</b>”

<u>Ný screenshots</u>
<a href="http://www.csnation.net/image.php?id=28273“>Nýji Terroristinn ( Militia )</a>
<a href=”http://www.csnation.net/image.php?id=28277“>Smá breytingar í de_inferno_cz</a>
<a href=”http://www.csnation.net/image.php?id=28272“>SPETSNAZ</a>

<b>Allt viðtalið við cliffe um cz 1.2 er hægt að sjá <a href=”http://www.csnation.net/articles.php/interview_190/“>hér</a></b><br><br><b><a href=”http://www.haste.net.tc“>ha$te</a>|-<a href=”http://www.sogamed.com/member.php?id=298313“>J0h4nn3s-</a></b> ^ <a href=”http://www.merkt.is">Merkt • is</a>

[-Tekið af irc-]

(calling`sdm) If anyone has a latex condom with a spermicide, preferably non used. pm me
(Xawp^_-) i do
(calling`sdm) wut brand
(Xawp^_-) trojan
(calling`sdm) SWEET
(calling`sdm) trojan mannnn
(calling`sdm) im here for her pleasure
(Xawp^_-) ok
