Það voru margir að spá í því hvar þeir fengu þetta MAGNAÐA strategy tól.

Hægt er að búa til plön í þessu. Ennig er hægt að leyfa allt að 32 manneskjum að connecta á þetta og gefa álit sitt á planinu, einnig geta þessar manneskjur lagt fram hugmyndir (teiknað inn á planið) ofl.

<a href="http://www.gaui.is/stuff/cs/satstrat/">http://www.gaui.is/stuff/cs/satstrat/</a>

Náið í allt þetta og installið eftir þessari röð…

1. vbrun60sp5.exe
2. s2inst17.exe
3. s2support16.exe

<b>Nánar um þetta á ensku:</b>

<i>S2 SaTstrat is a strategy planner for Counter-Strike allowing up to 32 users to connect
to a host and draw lines, dots and icons on 2d overhead views of all popular
counter-strike maps. Trying to explain how a match should be played and where everyone
is supposed to be at every given point can be hard but now you can exchange your ideas
in realtime, discuss and come up with the ultimate strategy for the war tonight.

It all started at a party with two unsober mates talking about another not so neat planner
one of them had used with his fellow clan-members. One of the guys (from now on
referred to as SaT) was telling the other (from now on referred to as Lgx) how disappointed
they were when they tried the planner since it simply didn't have half of the functions they
needed to effectively plan strategies. So the very next day Lgx started out with a basic
layout before he had even checked the original planner or gotten sober. A simple program
that could draw lines on a fixed map, with a chatbox on the left and nothing else. This was
the beginning of a very functional strategy planner and soon we were getting loads of
suggestions from all around the globe and today it may be the best and most proffessional
planner around with different drawing modes to suite the individual user, save/load function,
icons to mark spots or actions, IRC style chatbox and much more. Production supervised
by SaT (l337 haXX0r, night svetser and all day, every day CS player).</i>

Gangi ykkur vel! :D<br><br>________________________
<b>Guðjón Jónsson</b>
- <a href="http://www.gaui.is“>www.gaui.is</a>
- <a href=”mailto:gaui@NOSPAMgaui.is">gaui@gaui.is</a>

<b>Scorpion ~ Cherimoya</