Fann þetta á netinu. Samkvæmt þessu þá á leikurinn að koma í búðir í USA 17.október. Ég tel þetta vera rétt dagsetning þar sem ég hef sjálfur heyrt staðfest annarstaðar frá að leikurinn eigi að koma um miðjan október.

This was posted as submission by a user called Schmee

“Ok here you go, this is the Half Life 2 releases date. I work for a wholesaler that I wish not to name and we supply the games to stores such as EB, Toys R Us, Compucenter, Compusmart, Babbages, etc in North America. Release date for Half Life 2 is October 17, 2003 for North America. As far as I know there are no Skus there will be only a box set thats all the information I have. If valve and sierra are talking about releasing more skus's then this will be done over Steam only. You will only be able to purchase the one Sku which includes both single and multiplayer capabilities in stores. As for paying to play as far as I know you do not have to pay, Valve may change this.”<br><br><font color=“BLUE”><b>[.Hate.]AnyKey</font></b>
<font color=“GREEN”><b>It takes blood and guts to be this good !</font></