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_______________________Waldo (dod dev)______________________________
Here is how hitboxes will be changed in 1.1
OK so many people have noticed the infamous ”arms block chest" hitbox problem in 1.0. That is where you shoot a guy in the chest from the front, and the bullet hits his arm instead.

Note: you might want to read through…=&threadid=8428 for reference while reading this. It's my thread that outlines all the different damage amounts for different guns.

Why Arms Blocking Chest is a Big Problem in 1.0
When you shoot someone in the arm or leg, it does 75% damage instead of 100%. It's not that big of a problem for most the “weaker” guns (does 30 instead of 40 damage for thompson/sten/mp40/pistols/etc.) or the really strong ones like the K98 & sniper rifles (because even 75% damage kills), but the one gun this MAJORLY screws up in 1.0 is the Garand.

The Garand does 120 pts of damage. If you shoot a guy in the arm, he gets 75% of 120 = 90 pts. So if you shoot a guy and his arm blocks the chest, he gets 90 pts, and lives. That's why you get the “I shot him and he had 10 health left!” thing. And often when you shoot at the chest, you hit the arms instead. So that meant that the odds of getting a chest hit for any gun were low - and that meant the Garand wasn't a 1 shot kill as often as it should have been.

How We Fixed It
If a bullet hits the target's arm hitboxes, the game traces the bullet further, and sees if it would also hit the chest. If the chest is also in the line of fire, it counts as a chest hit (100% damage). If the bullet only would hit the arms (no chest in the way), it counts as an arm hit (75% damage).

We will NOT count double hits - that is we won't count an arm AND a chest hit, but just arm OR chest. Why not both? Because it would make a huge huge change in gun performance. It would be like having each bullet act like two bullets or guns having their damage doubled. The negative effect would be a lot more players dying much faster.

How This Will Affect Different Guns
Thompson, Sten, MP40, Greasegun and Pistols
With this change, you'll be more likely to be doing 40 pt damage hits (hit chest) instead of 30 pt (arms blocking chest). You'll see a small increase in kills with these guns, as now fewer shots will be blocked by arms. That means more 40+40+40 (3 shot) kills instead of 30+30+30+30 (4 shot) kills like in 1.0.

K98, Enfield, and sniper rifles
No change. Even if you hit the arm it's a 1 shot kill. These guns will see zero increase in damage because of this change.

BAR, all MGs, FG42 and Bren
No change. In 1.0 if all shots were blocked by arms, you would kill in 2 shots (63+63=126). In 1.1 if blocked by arms, these shots would do full damage (85+85=170) and still take 2 shots. THe only real change is that if you hit someone once, you'll leave them with less health than 1 shot in 1.0.

Garand and K43
These two guns are the biggest winners in this change. It was very common in 1.0 for the arms to block chests when shooting someone straight on. With these two 120 pt damage guns, that meant you would be only doing 90 pts damage (75% of 120) when this happened. And that meant it would take two shots to kill instead of 1. With this change, there will be no more arms blocking chest happenings. Which means you'll be a lot more likely to do full (120) damage when using these guns. And that means more 1 shot kills. I expect these guns to rise in popularity because of this big boost of effectiveness.

With 1.1's hitbox change, you'll be able to get 2 shot kills more often. In 1.0 it took 3 shots (37+37+37) to kill if all shots were blocked by the arms. In 1.1 it will take 2 shots (50+50) to kill even if both shots are blocked by arms. So that means this weapon becomes slightly more powerful.

Bayonette, shovel, knife, garand butt
No change. This is because these weapons don't penetrate and do further hits like bullets do. So a hit on the arm that's in front of the chest really doesn't have a chance to hit the chest. And let's not get into arguments about how long bayonettes are and their sharpness and capability of piercing major body extremities and… :^)

Other Hitbox Changes
Besides making this change to end the “arms blocking chest” problem, we also have been going over all the hitboxes with a fine toothed comb to be sure that they do line up with the body. Remember in 1.0 there were some problems where the hit boxes were shifted forward of the player's body. We've already fixed this problem (plus a few you probably didn't even know were there), and are making sure we got it right.

Any Other Gun Changes?

No gun damages will be changed in 1.1.

Bullet penetrations back up to more effective levels. MGs also have “extra” penetration. All guns base their penetration on damage, but MGs get an extra boost. Bullets may also penetrate multiple items. A really strong shot might penetrate through a thin door, through a body, then through another door (if it's thin enough).

MG42 will be back to throwing 2x lead than before.

K98 and Enfield have their standing accuracy reduced a small amount.

“Not shooting” bugs in some guns (colt) fied. Actually this was purely a visual effct. The gun was firing, but it wasn't playing the fire animation on your machine.

Differences in Enfield being able to bayonette and K98 when gun was empty fixed.

Auto reload now truely a disableable option. Note: I've played 1.1 with it off, and I find I keep forgetting to reload. I bet some of you will find you've gotten pretty used to it :^) It will be on by default, but you can disable it easy enough.

BAR deploy time will probably be made faster. Right now BAR deploys slower than MG, but that doesn't really make sense. We are trying to get this fix in in time.

Probably others I forget about right now.

Toe shots still kill with K98 and always will. This is because the foot is just part of the leg hitbox group, and thus takes damage. The only way to fix would be a) remove feet from hitbox or b) make a new set of hitboxes for “extra” stuff like hands, feet, ears, noses, etc. I'm suprised nobody complains about nose-shot kills. “WTF I shot him in the nose, and HE DIED!!?!”<br><br><b><font color=“blue”>~</font><font color=“navy”>Ny</font><font color=“blue”>ss</font><font color=“navy”>a</font><font color=“blue”>n</font> <font color=“navy”>-N</font><font color=“blue”>S</font>
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