<a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=11276“>Þessi frétt á The Inquirer</a> segir að það séu stórir orðrómar í gangi um að Half-Life 2 muni fylgja með völdum ATI kortum þegar leikurinn verður loksins gefinn út.

<i>”Half Life 2.0 will be offered to retail as part of an Ati card software discounted deal at time of HL2 launch. The Ati people were somewhat satisfied that it would counter the Nvidia spinning logo promotions of late, as HL2 had been optimised to run on 9800's etc.“</i><br><br>- Royal Fool

<a href=”http://www.hugi.is/forsida/bigboxes.php?box_type=userinfo&user=RoyalFool&syna=msg“>Skilaboð</a> | <a href=”mailto:royalfool@hotmail.com“>royalfool@hotmail.com</a>

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