
Vegna þess að 2.1 er að taka meiri tíma en þeir bjuggust við, ákváðu þeir að gefa út patch með mikilvægustu balance og bugfix breytingunum í server side 2.01 patchi.

Enginn okkar þarf að downloada hann, en við munum allir njóta góðs af honum. Svo verða einhverjir nýir, nettir hlutir í 2.1 (ný möpp t.d. veit ekki meir).

Hér er listinn yfir breytingarnar í núverandi beta útgáfu af 2.01 (semsagt 2.01d), og svo það sem mér finnst standa upp úr.

O Electrical research cost is 30 (same as 2.0)
O Electricity research time reduced from 60 to 30
O Electricity range increased from 90 to 120 (to prevent exploiting)
O Offense chamber health reduced from 1150 to 1000
O If an Onos redeems while digesting a player, the player is left behind
O Added “parasite switch fun” back
O Marine resource tower cost lowered from 20 to 15
O Lowered marine upgrade costs from 30/40/50 to 20/30/40
O Healing spray is 16 (same as 2.0)
O Increase grenade damage from 110 to 125
O Fixed problem where specs can be heard talking before game start in tourny mode
O Fixed problem where dead players can sometimes be heard
O Voice comm can no longer be heard for anyone during countdown (to allow safe demo recording)
O Fixed CURL timeout problems (untested)
O Hide opposing team score in tournament mode so you can't see how many resources towers they have (untested)
O Fixed problem where hera holoroom double node didn't build properly
O Fixed bug where being webbed and then devoured pulls out your weapon while inside the Onos
O Removed frame-rate dependence from leap and charge damage
O Increased hive cost from 35 to 40
O Reduced command station cost from 25 to 20
O Reduced command station build time from 20 to 15
O Each level of celerity now increases speed by 25, down from 35 (it's now back to the 1.04 level)
O Umbra blocks 2 out of 3 bullets (down from 3 out of 4 in 2.0)
O Changed lastinv so that it's preserved between upgrade gestations
O Shotgun clip and reserve reduced from 10/50 to 8/40
O Removed cloaking and uncloaking sounds via cloaking upgrade (they are only a third as loud as they used to be).
O The cloaking upgrade now fades smoothly instead of becoming instantly invisible. The higher level of your cloaking upgrade, the faster you'll cloak.
O Aliens should be able to walk very slowly cloaked via the cloaking upgrade.
O Each level of cloaking decreases time needed to cloak more.
O Sentries and offense chambers now do “light” damage. Light damage does half damage to heavy armor and Oni.
O Only allow resource towers and turret factories to be electrified (fix for exploit timing/selection exploit)
O Resupplying at armory can only go into reserve (addresses end-game grenade spam at marine start). It also now rounds up (so odd-sized clips like the HMG load intuitively)
O Gorge spit can operate switches again as well
O Made offense chambers less accurate against fast-moving targets (jetpackers)
O Fixed “super-hive” bug (from Uranium on the forums): Maintenance hive: if you as gorge stay there a build hive, from up there, as long as you DO NOT MOVE, the hive cannot die. I did it in 1.0 and its still there in 2.0 despite my efforts to get it fixed. It can easily be replicated. I have even died and as long as i do not move when i spawn the hive itself can never die. If you want me to show you ingame, just get a time/server and ill try to be there.
O Fixed alien resource exploit involving late-joining
O Fixed spawning exploit involving late-joining
O If you get disconnected while playing aliens, and you rejoin, your resources will be preserved
O Players can only become spectators from the ready room (fixes devour exploit)
O Building hives can now be healed
O Unbuilt structures can now be repaired with the welder

Það sem mér finnst standa upp úr þarna er:

=== Electricity research tími minnkað um helming.
*Afleiðing: Marines geta expandað hraðar.

=== Kostnaður við marine upgrades minnkaður (úr “30/40/50” í “20/30/40”)
*Afleiðing: Marines verða fljótar samkeppnishæfir við við high level aliens.

=== Offence Chambers hitta fast moving targets verr núna.
*Afleiðing: Gott fyrir jetpackers.

=== Marine res tower kostnaður minnkaður úr 20 í 15 (sama og hjá alien aftur)
*Afleiðing: Marines geta expandað hraðar.

=== Aliens geta nú gengið mjög hægt (með “walk” takkanum) ósýnilegir, með “Cloaking” upgrade-inu
*Afleiðing: Meira vit í að fá sér cloaking núna. Menn geta læðst framhjá turret farms.

=== Turrets gera hálft damage á Onos.
*Afleiðing: Aliens eignast “siege” unit. Turret farm sem Gorge getur ekki bile-bombað eignast óvin.

=== Ef þú étur marine, og redeemar síðan heim í Hive, þá skilurðu marine-inn eftir. (í stað þess að taka hann með þér, eins og í 2.0).
*Afleiðing: Redemp minna lame =P

=== Offence Chamber health minnkað og Grenade Launcher damage aukið
*Afleiðing: Marines ryðja sér betur leið gegnum WoL án þess að þurfa að byggja siege.

Jamm ágætis plástur. =)

Hvað finnst ykkur?<br><br>NS: ARG/OBhave
ET: OBhave
UT2k3: ARG
í CS hét ég OBhave
í TFC hét ég [EN]OB1 (in ye olde days of 56k, yarr)