Ég hef verið að reyna þetta með hjálp <a href="http://revenant.bunker.is“>Revenant's</a>
að setja þetta upp, enn bara fæ þetta ekki til að virka >=/
Svona eru stillingarnar >

<a href=”http://www.geocities.com/andrislut/folders.JPG“>Folderið</a>
<a href=”http://www.geocities.com/andrislut/metamod.JPG“>Metamod folderið</a>
<a href=”http://www.geocities.com/andrislut/statsme.JPG“>Statsme Folderið</a>
<a href=”http://www.geocities.com/andrislut/amx.JPG“>amx Folderið</a>

Svona lítur <b>Plugins.ini</b> út

<b>win32 addons/amx/dlls/amx_mm.dll
win32 addons/amx/dlls/fun_ms.dll
win32 addons/amx/dlls/csstats_ms.dll
win32 addons/statsme/dlls/sm_cstrike_mm.dll</b>

<b>Metamod.dll</b> er í <b>C:\\Sierra\\Half-life\\cstrike\\Addons\\Metamod\\dlls</b>

svona lítur modules út í amx folderinu

<b>; AMX Modules
; You can specify both linux & win32 modules here

; CS Stats
; must be declarated in MetaMod and AMX

; AMX LogD
; must be declarated in MetaMod and AMX

; MySQL access

; More functions for modifications in HL
; must be declarated in MetaMod and AMX

; Rcon and Query

Svona er commandlinið í counter strike <b>C:\\Sierra\\Half-life\\hl.exe -console -game cstrike</b>

<b><a href=”http://www.gotfrag.com/?node=user&id=44793&x=3C7AD6D4“>x</a></b><b><a href=”http://www.schroet.com/member.php?id=65798“>x</a></b><b><a href=”http://www.sogamed.com/member.php?id=142139">x</a>