Does this game has realistic physics?
Answer - NO!

In real life you cannot jump from 10 meters high land in a very small puddle of water and be 100% ok, well in cs it´s possible. Is it possible being running around with an FN Para blazing and hittin every1 like their sitting ducks, NO. Is it possible to be standing and shooting with an AWM without taking any damage??? No its not possible so this games doesnt follow real life physics.

Maybe the creators intended to have it realistic i dont know but well theres a creators way to play every game and theres the extreme gaming way of playing. And the way I see it the extreme gaming way of playing games is exploiting your game arena to make the most of it, sum ppl will probably misunderstand this to cheating but i am not suggesting ppl cheat. The only thing i suggest is to make the most out of the game that is right beside your eyes you should be able to config and exploit the maps to your benefit.

Well in Quake i dont think its easy to mapexploit if its possible but your able to config the game in and out every way you like well in CS tournaments there are restrictions that are hilarius to my sense of gaming your supposed to have fun and why not set the gun 1 inch more in the screen or why not let the gun disappear so you dont see the model when you shoot , its really contraversial what is config “HAXING” and what is not well to my eyes there is no config hax until you begin to release the hidden features in this game such as HLTV server crashing , respawning , recoil hax with config thats all feats that are not really possible but that is what is also banned and should be banned .

But such commands as r_drawviewmodel ? wtf why is this banned because your gun model wont show on demos? well if thats why it is banned why not just say “first 10 seconds of demo you must have r_drawviewmodel 1”….. We cannot change gunmodels ingame can we?

Your supposed to play the game to its limits so you can have the upper hand not be a pussy and disallow the other team to boost just because you havent practised it enough youll learn if your enemy boosts!

Although i am not saying that skywalking is ok that really takes you out of the game and your really just an observer with a gun so well to my code of law thats really something that should not be exploited. This text is really contraversial but try to understand and if you flame i´ll flame back.

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