ok here is the thing(no not my penis). Mig vantar sárlega allsop, og eg var að spá hvort einhver hér byggi yfir fróðleik um hvar þessar stórglæsilegu músarmottur fást, ogogogog að nota heillan bojz! ;]<br><br>____________________________
<font color=“green”>Cs</font>: <font color=“lime”><b>S</b>ynergy</font> ~ <font color=“navy”><b>TrAitoR</b></font>^
<font color=“green”>DoD</font>: <font color=“navy”><b>TrAitoR</b></font>^
<font color=“green”>Q3</font>: <font color=“lime”><b>s</b>yn</font>'<font color=“navy”><b>Myth1cal </b></font>
#<font color=“red”>Team-Synergy</font>
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Life is like a minefield, one wrong step and you're fucked for life - “bóbóismi”