Tekið af <a href="http://csnation.counter-strike.net">http://csnation.counter-strike.net</a>:

Frá Erik Johnson
Hi, everyone. Just a quick note to let you know that things are beginning to happen again. If everything goes well, we'll be rolling out the first VAC release for the steam beta [Thursday or Friday] (if not tomorrow, probably on Friday).

The anti-cheat functionality of this first release will be identical to that of the existing 1.5 modules, but we'll be activating the new banlist. The new banlist will feature an escalating ban period: the first time a given user cheats, they'll only be banned for 24 hours, but subsequent infractions will increase the penalty (so that by your 10th infraction, you'll be banned for a month at a time.

Adios ~ Revenant
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