Sér einhver eitthvað athugavert við þennan cfg, þá meina ég ólögleg commands, ólögleg value í commands.. anx.

// Video
brightness “5” // Brightness
gamma “5” // Overall Brightness
gl_cull “1” // Only Render Visible Objects
gl_dither “1” // Enable Dithering
gl_keeptjunctions “1” // Collinear Vertexes On
gl_overbright “1” // Maximum Brightness On
gl_picmip “0.0” // Overall Texture Quality
gl_playermip “0” // Player Rendering Quality High
gl_polyoffset “4.0” // Decal Offset
gl_round_down “3” // Texture Size Rounding
gl_texturemode “GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST” // GL Texture Mode
gl_wateramp “0” // Amplified Waves Off
gl_ztrick “1” // Ztrick On
host_speeds “0” // Display FPS On Screen Off
lightgamma “2.5” // Light Gamma
r_decals “256” // Single Player Decals
r_drawviewmodel “1” // Weapon Model On
r_dynamic “1” // Dynamic Lighting On
r_mirroralpha “0” // Reflective Surfaces Off
texgamma “2.0” // Texture Gamma
violence_ablood “1” // Standard Blood On
violence_agibs “0” // Standard Gibs Off
violence_hblood “1” // Extra Blood On
violence_hgibs “0” // Extra Gibs Off

// Movement
cl_backspeed “400” // Backward Speed
cl_bob “0.010” // Player View Bob
cl_bobcycle “0.800” // Bob Frequency
cl_bobup “0.500” // Amount of Movement to Trigger Bob
cl_forwardspeed “400” // Forward Speed
cl_pitchspeed “250” // Up and Down Change Speed
cl_sidespeed “400” // Strafing Speed
cl_upspeed “400” // Climbing Speed

// Network
cl_allowdownload “1” // Allow Downloads On
cl_allowupload “1” // Allow Uploads On
cl_download_ingame “0” // But not during the game
cl_cmdrate “60” // Commands Sent to Server (20 for Modem)
cl_gaitestimation “1” // Estimated Player Stepping Motion On
cl_himodels “0” // High Quality Models Off
cl_lc “1” // Server-Side Lag Compensation Off
cl_lw “1” // Client Side Weapon Management Off
cl_nopred “0” // Client Side Prediction Off
cl_rate “7500” // Data Rate to Client
cl_resend “2” // Maximum Packet Retries
cl_showfps “0” // No on screen FPS
cl_timeout “512” // Inactivity Time before Disconnect
cl_updaterate “101” // Packets Requested from Server (20 for Modem)
fps_max “101” // Max FPS limit 101
rate “7500” // Data Rate to Client
mp_decals “256” // Multi Player Decal Limit
precache “1” // Preload all Required Files

// Controls
+mlook // Mouse Look On
crosshair “1” // Cross Hair On
joystick “0” // Joystick Off
lookspring “0.000” // Automatic Centering Off
lookstrafe “0.000” // Automating Strafing Off
m_filter “0” // Mouse Filter On
m_forward “1” // Mouse Forward Sensitivity Multiplier
m_pitch “0.022” // Mouse Pitch Sensitivity Multiplier
m_side “0.800” // Mouse Strafing Sensitivity Multiplier
m_yaw “0.022” // Mouse Yaw Speed Sensitivity Multiplier
sensitivity “2.4” // Mouse Sensitivity
zoom_sensitivity_ratio “1.000” // Ratio of Normal Sensitivity to Zoomed Sensitivity

// Sound
_snd_mixahead “0.100” // Maximum Performance On
bgmvolume “0” // No CD Music
hisound “1” // High Quality Sound On
loadas8bit “0” // Eight Bit Sound Off
s_a3d “0” // A3D Off
s_eax “0” // EAX Off
s_reverb “0” // Reverb Off

// Preferences
fov “90” // Field of Vision
hud_centerid “1” // Centre ID Display
hud_fastswitch “1” // Fast Weapon Selection
r_mmx “1” // MMX Support On
scr_conspeed “99999” // Console Speed
viewsize “120” // Visible Screen Area
con_color “255 255 255” // Console color set to white

- []UN[]Totium
- Totium inchoatus
- kristinnaka@hotmail.com