Team Fortress 2 er víst ekki algjörlega dauður, hann virðist eiga að koma aftur með comback í nýrri grafík vél og fleira.

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<b>The Spy</b>
<i>The spy's hardware moles this month nearthed news on the ongoing saga of Team Fortress 2, The long overdue Vivendi title from Valve that has disappeared off our radar and was then said to have been canned. More recently it was rumoured to have gone back to the drawing board and twisted to a sci-fi rather than a modern combat setting. The latest news comes via an ATI PowerPoint presentation made to colleagues of the spy conerning their 9500 graphics card.

Ready to support DirectX9, wich rolls out in March, one of the DX9 game titles touted as compliant with ATI's card was Team Fortress 2. Furthermore the men at ATI had seen the latest screenshots of the game and their Canadian colleagues had recently seen it running. Frustratingly, they buttoned their lips when asked what the game now looked like, but this seems to confirm that Valve have not ditched the project wich apears to be live and kicking.</i>

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