Það vill svo til að Bandaríska clanið <a href="http://www.team3d.net/"> [3D]</a> fer á CPL í Dallas. Þeir sögðu frá því á <a href="http://www.team3d.net/“> heimasíðu</a> sinni þetta.

Shayan lét okkur vita <a href=”http://www.hugi.is/hl/korkar.php?sMonitor=viewpost&iPostID=843641&iBoardID=58&iStart=10“> hérna</a> hvað hafði gengið á og hvatti okkur til að styrkja þessa frábæru CS spilara.

”I am pleased to announce that Steelpad, the leading manufacturer of steel mouse pads and accessories, will now be assisting Team 3D in funding our trip to Dallas. Steelpad has agreed to help offset the cost of travel to the CPL event. I think this is really a commendable move by Steelpad, a small company from Denmark. It says a lot about their interest in the gaming community and commitment to gaming around the world. Thank you Steelpad and I hope you will all check out their great line of products, including the 3S mouse pad, 4S mouse pad, cord holder, and mouse skates, in our Pro Shop!

As for those of you who donated via PayPal, thank you. Your ongoing support means a lot to us, and for all who contributed over $25 we will be sending you complimentary Steelpads. If you would like to have yours signed or have any other special requests, please e-mail me and we will do everything we can to honor them.

On behalf of Team 3D, thank you to our loyal fans for your generosity and ongoing support and also to Steelpad for assisting in our trip to CPL!"

Þetta sagði [3D]-Torbull á heimasíðu clansins.

Þetta er að sjálfsögðu alveg frábært og ég sé ekkert annað en skemmtilegri CPL-keppni í Dallas.<br><br> <p align=“center”> <img SRC="http://kasmir.hugi.is/kasmir/umsjon/synamynd.php3?uname=&myndnafn=gf.gif"