Í kvöld var ég bara heima að browsa netið og lít á ircið, þar er [3D]-Torbull að leita eftir fólki til að styrkja 3D á leið sinni á CPL. Ástæða þess að hann spyr fólk þess er að styrktaraðilinn þeirra beilaði á þá á síðustu stundu.

Hérna er það sem stendur á Team 3D síðunni sjálfri (<a href="http://www.team3d.net">www.team3d.net</a>)

Unfortunately with just five days until CPL, Team 3D's sponsor hopes temporarily fell through and now are in the same situation as so many other teams. We are left with the bills of tickets and hotel rooms already purchased and no time to find new sponsors for this event.
Counter Strike already has the largest community, and that alone is perhaps the most important part and critical element that will bring e-sports to the masses. Once companies see how loyal and widespread gamers are they will soon after see the value of sponsoring gaming teams and events and understand how marketable we really are.

Gaming is not an easy product to sell, especially in the United States. European divisions of companies such as Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, etc. all have marketing departments independently run from their North American operations. These companies appear to be focusing their sponsorship funds on sponsoring individual teams rather than large events, like their American divisions.

The CPL and Comp USA have been successful at attracting large companies to sponsor $150,000 tournaments, but perhaps we need more large companies like Intel, PNY, Plantronics, etc. to save maybe $10,000 a year out of their annual marketing budget to sponsor individual teams rather than big events. Don't get me wrong, everyone in the gaming community is VERY thankful for the companies that support e-sports, but this is just a suggestion on how e-sports can be accelerated to the professional level.

I picture e-sports or CPL like events to develop like NASCAR, where teams have sponsors that pay their way to events, and in return teams wear the companies' logos on their jerseys, on their computers, and on their websites. When you hear of Tony Stuart, you think Home Depot; when you hear Team 3D or DoP or Riot Squad, I hope one day you have a similar type of association.

Unfortunately right now we aren't at that stage, but I am confident we will soon be there. It isn't that companies don't think gaming is big: it is that they don't fully understand the industry and subculture. They don't understand the marketing power and platform we offer to them that will allow them to tap into such a rich and loyal industry.

This is why it is important to remain patient and professional. We have to show these companies how big gaming is and provide them grounded evidence that sponsoring teams and getting involved in the community does have a high return on investment. This is where the need for managers come stem from.

Once again we turn to the gaming community and our loyal fans to help us pay for this event. Our CPL lineup is Ksharp, Rambo, steel, kane, Bullseye, and moto. If you are an individual looking to help out, any donations would be much appreciated and can be made to the PayPal account of craig@ethersites.net. If you are a business looking to gain massive amounts of exposure at one of the largest gatherings of gamers in the United States, please e-mail me at torbull@team3d.net so I can introduce our marketing strategy.

Don't look at this like six or seven people afraid to work and who just play video games all day, but we are trying to pursue the dream of professional gamers. We spend 4-6 hours 5 nights a week playing CS when perhaps we could be out at a job. We put in the time to be the best and to bring e-sports to the next level.

Once we return from Dallas we will have some one on one chats with each of the notable contributors to offer you tips and thank you for your generosity. Thank you in advance for all of your support and if you have any questions feel free to pm [3D]-Torbull on #team3d on irc.gamesnet.net

Það eru kannski einhverjir hér sem eru með Paypal og vilja hjálpa einu besta clani heims að komast á CPL? Hvaða mynt sem er, hjálpar þeim og þeir þakka æðislega fyrir allt sem þeir fá.

Eins og segir í textanum getiði talað við Torbull á #team3d á irc.gamesnet.net ef það vakna einhverjar spurningar.

- Ég sjálfur myndi vilja sponsora þá um einhverja þúsundkalla, if only að ég ætti kreditkort og/eða paypal aðgang..
<br><br>bap bap!
- Shayan
Sigurður Helgason